Weaveworld Cover Art Described

Long and abbreviated descriptions for the Clive Barker novel Weaveworld.

A small, round photo of a smiling man with a mop of dark hair and a pointy nose.

by Brett Coulstock. .

Long Description

This is a description for the cover art of the Clive Barker novel Weaveworld, from Fontana Paperbacks, the 1998 edition. The cover was painted by artist Tim White.

The cover suggests a fantastic Persian-style carpet laid flat. The carpet design forms a thick margin around a smaller realistic painted scene inset in the middle.

At the very edge of the cover is a plain green border. Working inwards, there is a thin decorative border with the same green, but with an intricate design in red. The artist has chosen the red and green in similar tones as complementary colours, the uncomfortable combination makes the colours fight and shimmer slightly when placed adjacent to each other.

The intricate red boarder consists of tiny individual creatures, including micro-organisms such as viruses and bacteria, parasites and many strange new monsters.

Working in, the main thickness of the carpet border consists of a number of circular motifs, each showing or symbolising a scene from the novel. A house exploding; a scene of mountains; a man holding a child on his shoulder with a train carriage in the background; a naked woman's belly, pubis and thighs crackling with energy; two scowling ghoul-like hags; faces spiraling around a diamond shape with a knife suspended between them; a man straddled by a fierce looking woman; a tree laden with fruit; a man vomiting energy in a spiral around himself; and others.

The painted scene at the centre depicts the gentle round of a top of a hill at night, softened by snow, with two trees left and right, winter-bare and skeletal.

Footprints in the snow lead up to a dark man with thinning hair and ragged clothes, stepping forward in a nimbus of golden radiance that spills from and around him. The light spirals up from him in helix-like twists of sparks, encircled by pointillist wheels, suggesting eldritch, otherworldly power.

In narrow gold capital-letters above the scene, capitals, embossed: “Clive Barker”.

In narrow white capital-letters at the base of the painted inset is the word “Weaveworld“ .

Short, 500 Character Version

Weaveworld by Clive Barker, art by Tim White.

A broad margin suggestive of a Persian carpet with motifs from the story, with a realistic painted scene inset in the centre showing the gentle curve of the top of a snow-covered hill at night, with two trees winter-bare and skeletal.

Footprints lead to a ragged man with thinning hair, stepping forward in a nimbus of golden radiance. The light around him spirals up in twists of sparks, encircled by pointillist wheels.

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